연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제9회장
논문코드 1O9-12
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 16:55-17:10
논문제목 Semi-flexible colloidal chains consisting of patchy micelles of block copolymers as a nanoscale analogue of conventional polymers
발표자 이경현
발표자 소속 서울대학교
저자 이경현, 손병혁
소속 서울대학교
논문초록 Colloidal particles can be utilized as an effective building block for a variety of superstructures such as colloidal molecules and lattices through self-assembling processes. In particular, they can assemble into a linear colloidal chain by directional attraction with orthogonal repulsion between the particles. A colloidal chain can be considered as a nanoscale polymer consisting of colloidal monomers. In this study, we first polymerized patchy micelles of block copolymers into a linear colloidal chain and then coated them onto a solid substrate. We evaluated their persistence and contour lengths, which allowed the assessment on the flexibility of colloidal chains. According to the analysis, we can describe the colloidal chains semi-flexible and explain their conformations by the worm-like chain model for conventional polymers. In addition, we were able to produce a self-supporting film of the colloidal chains, which has microscopic pores due to the semi-flexible nature of the chains.